NIL Mastery - Athletes

$29.99 plus tax

  • Understand the current landscape for name, image and likeness and what it means for amateur athletes.

  • The foundational key to your NIL success lays with your personal brand. Go through guided exercises to help you define your athlete personal brand and create your game plan to grow it.

  • What types of NIL deals are available? How do you find NIL deals? How do you sell yourself to brands? How do you determine your market value? How can you negotiate the best deal? Learn answers to these and much more to help you craft your own NIL path.

  • Athletes who participate in NIL deals are running their own business. Get a primer on major things to know and be armed with the right questions to go ask your own professional advisors.

NIL Mastery - Parents

$29.99 plus tax

  • NIL for amateur athletes is still in its early phases but the benefits go beyond just making money. It is a practical learning opportunity for athletes to build their brand, learn entrepreneurial skills and ultimately get a jumpstart on their future. Learn how to help set your athlete up for success.

  • Social media and technology has made a personal brand more and more important. Help set your athlete create their brand not only for NIL but also for when their playing days are over.

  • NIL presents an opportunity for your athlete to be excited about learning new skills and growing their network (and sometimes they don't even know they are getting these benefits). Help understand ways to help get them started to form their own path.

  • Athletes who engage in NIL deals are running their own business. A lot goes into being an entrepreneur. Learn basic concepts to be able to engage the right professionals and ask them the right questions so you and your athlete aren't hit with unexpected liabilities.

Craft your own NIL Journey at your own pace. Our digital NIL Mastery Program takes the guess and prep work out of it and contains everything an athlete would need to get started with Name, Image and Likeness. Learn how to build and grow your brand, where to find NIL deals, how to pitch yourself to brands, how to negotiate the best NIL deals and much more. It is a practical learning program with tools like checklists, scripts, worksheets, content ideas and more, all to help you start today.