College Administrators & Collectives

Education & Training

We provide comprehensive educational resources and workshops for staff, coaches and athletes. We can develop a custom plan to meet your goals and equip your team with the tools needed for NIL success.

Process & Operation

We can facilitate and implement process flows to provide a smooth collaboration between your athletic department, athletes, collectives and brands to ensure your NIL program operates with ease.

Setup & Activation

Every program has different strengths. Lets uncover them and develop a plan for you. We will analyze your market, implement creative business offerings, and formulate a strategy to facilitate NIL activities for your athletes.

Tailored Approach

Each institution’s situation is unique and there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for building an NIL program. Lets design what works for you.

Department Structure & Process

Your athletic department is a major key to smooth NIL operations. We identify key roles and responsibilities of NIL personnel and develop customized operational flows to ensure efficiency.

Education & Training

Your coaches, staff and athletes need to understand the ins and outs of NIL. We develop personalized educational resources and workshops for all parties to equip them with the tools needed to navigate NIL.

Collective Creation

We can provide collectives with a customized plan regarding their operations. We learn about your goals, analyze your local market, and understand the athletic programs and the platform they have to develop a solution that works best for that program.

Bridging the Gap

Whether your program has an NIL collective or not, the athletic department has to be connected with its athletes NIL brand partners. We can help bridge this gap to keep your costs low and your team focused on their current priorities.

NIL Partners Roadmap

NIL collectives must get creative in creating unique NIL offerings to benefit their student athletes. We can help create a diverse approach of social media, community efforts, events, and on premise marketing to increase exposure and opportunity.

Athlete Activation Plan

Perhaps one of the most important pieces of an NIL collective is connecting the athletes with the appropriate NIL opportunities. We can assist in determination of best ways to utilize student athlete’s NIL and develop criteria for pairing athletes with the right opportunities.