High School Coaches & Programs


Education is key in understanding any new industry. NIL is no different. Coaches and staff need to understand NIL rules to be able to effectively help their athletes, retain their athletes and ultimately remain competitive. Let us create a customized education plan for your program.

Compliance & Policy

Your priority is to compete and find athletic program success. In states where NIL is allowed at the high school level, don’t let the rules keep your athletes off the field and jeopardize your chance for success. Let us assist in defining and implementing your NIL policies.


NIL is becoming an integral part of college sports. So no matter if your state allows NIL at the high school level or not, NIL will still touch your high school students during recruitment. Lets get your athletes the resources and counseling to make sure they are set up for success.

Name, Image and Likeness is reshaping college athletics but it also plays a role in high school athletics. Your program needs to be ready.

Specialized Resources

Coach & Staff Training

Name, Image and Likeness for amateur athletes is new for a lot of people, including your coaches and staff. Whether they are getting calls from college coaches or parents, having a general understanding of NIL is crucial to help your athletes be ready for the next level.

NIL Compliance

NIL rules are new and constantly changing. Don’t let NIL activities create eligibility issues for your athletes. We help put in place processes to help your staff feel confident that your athlete’s NIL activities are within the rules.

Athlete & Parent Training

Athletes and parents who participate in your program have questions. Whether it is questions for activities during high school, during recruitment or what to do at the next level, you can stand out by having a trusted partner to help answer these questions. We host regular webinars which your athletes and parents can gain access to.

Recruitment Consulting & Representation

High school athletic programs aim to prepare their students for the next level both academically and athletically. The reality is, no matter the state you are in, NIL can play a role in an athlete’s recruitment and commitment to a program at the next level. Let us help guide your athletes through this process.